
Today's apparel manufacturers need to supply an increasing number and variety of products at a faster rate throughout the year. This has increased pressure on the product development team, a key component of which are the pattern making and cutting departments. It is becoming essential to streamline these processes so that when the samples are completed and sent for approvals or merchandising, the pattern data itself is ready for production. The most efficient way to accomplish this is to construct your patterns directly in a CAD system.


PolyPattern’s thoughtfully-designed construction tools, combined with its unique “snaps” and keyboard input, allow you to make patterns with greater speed, accuracy, control, and unbelievable ease, no matter what pattern construction method you use.

PolyPattern's pattern construction features include:

  • geometric tools for quickly creating rectangles, circles, polygons, curves, and construction lines
  • the use of absolute or relative measurements anywhere
  • tools to cut and join patterns on any shaped edge
  • tools to rotate, mirror, and unfold patterns
  • tools to copy parts of one pattern to another
  • tools for creating and editing notches and drill holes
  • tools for automatically creating perfect facings and hems
  • a text tool for notes and reminders
  • the ability to annotate patterns with text and shapes
  • automatic seam allowances
  • automatic seam corner types

PolyPattern's grading features include:

  • the ability to use any size names you choose
  • the ability to save size group templates
  • classical X-Y grading and a graphical grading tool
  • tools to copy, add, subtract, mirror, and combine grade rules
  • the ability to change the nest reference point for comparing nests
  • the ability to add new sizes at any point which get automatically graded
  • the ability to separate a pattern nest into individual patterns
  • tools to quickly measure all sizes in the nest
  • advanced measuring tools to add and subtract measurements across many patterns and see the result, in relative or absolute terms, in one table
  • drop size grading which is easy to specify and intuitive to work with

PolyPattern also:

  • reads data files in the international standard formats AAMA and ASTM
  • reads native format data from Lectra, Investronica, and Gerber
  • lets you customize your working environment
  • lets you control pattern color for easy recognition
  • lets you quickly assemble a garment so that it's ready for marker-making